How to Achieve Effective Pain Relief for Back Pain, Upper Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, and Scoliosis

General Application Procedure for Back Pain Topical Products
To better understand your Joints (video) Click Here>Your Joints
To better understand Muscles (video) Click Here>Your Muscles
About 60% to 80% of adults with scoliosis have back pain, a rate no higher than that in people without scoliosis. Nonetheless, studies suggest that back pain caused by scoliosis is more intense and more persistent than back pain from other causes. Topical solutions are applied topically to relieve your area of upper back pain, lower left back pain or lower right back pain and gets right to the source of your back pain by not attacking the inflammation of the nerves in your lower back or upper back but rather allowing the blood and oxygen to flow back into the inflamed area of pain which causes the nerves to relax and in essence “turn off the pain signal to your spinal chord, the pain connector to your brain”.
Topical solutions are “not cures” and are not new applications for back pain relief…the underlying cause of your lower right back pain or lower left back pain, or upper back pain still exists and you must find and treat the underlying cause of your back pain by consulting with a physician!
• At the first sign of arthritic, joint, or muscle resulting in lower back pain gently rub the applicator on the area of your back where you feel the back pain discomfort as indicated below
• Gently apply 2 to 3 light coats of your topical solution in a continuous motion on your upper, mid or lower back
• The back pain area you cover with your product should be at least as large as the area of back pain you can feel to the touch
• Most topical solutions will remain moist on your skin for a few minutes
• Remain in a relaxed position and keep the area of back pain discomfort warm to enhance back pain relief
• Most people will feel back pain relief from their lower right back pain, lower left back pain, or upper back pain discomfort in as little as 10 – 15 minutes.
• Additional applications may be necessary to achieve a desirable level of back pain relief.

Upper Back Pain
Starting at the top and from left to right, try the first dot position and wait 15 minutes, then the second dot position…wait 15 minutes… and so on progressing from picture to picture until you find the one or two dot points that bring you significant upper back pain or extreme upper back pain relief.
IMPORTANT: Roll the applicator and/or spread the cream directly on the dot and the areas as indicated around each dot about the size of the 1/2 the size of the cup of the palm of your hand. After this is accomplished, move to the first picture below and apply your solution to each dot using the first picture only!!
Lower Right Back Pain and Lower Left Back Pain
Begin experimenting with the first picture by applying your your solution to each dot working from left to right on your lower back moving from one dot after the next. Lower back pain is difficult to isolate so you must experiment with various locations as indicated on the charts to increase your chance of successfully locating the source of either lower right back pain, or lower left back pain.
Start with the first lower back picture below. Starting at the top and from left to right, try the first dot position and wait 15 minutes, then the second dot position…wait 15 minutes… and so on progressing from picture to picture until you find the one or two dot points that bring you significant lower back pain relief.
IMPORTANT: Roll the applicator or cream directly on the dot and the area on your back around the dot about the size of 1/2 the size of the cup of the palm of your hand.